Jamie's family introduced us to a new card game, Quiddler, that is a lot of fun. And of course we had the traditional New PJ's, Eggnog and Cookies with many of my brothers and sisters (and nieces and nephews) at my parent's house.
Then later this week we got invited to spend a few days with the whole Burrow family in Searcy, AR. We figured that soon we wouldn't have many more opportunities to make random road trips, so we hopped in the car and drove down to spend time with Jason & Sam, Jim & Emily, Juli, and Dan & Cindy Burrow.
And of course, there was some serious late night Guitar Hero sessions...! (It was the first time Jason had played the game but he was insanely good at it.)
The whole week of family and friends really was so wonderful! Now we're back home and it's that sad sad time... to start putting away the Christmas decorations...