Wednesday, May 14, 2008

it's all in a day

I've been back at work a couple days now and it's going a lot better than I ever imagined. It helps so much not having to take Audrie to daycare and knowing she's with Jamie's mom- who is staying with us this week to take care of the baby during the day. And Donna brought her cookbook (undoubtedly from the 1960's) stock full of yummy recipes! She cooked dinner last night for a group of friends we had over to watch American Idol. It really is wonderful having her here this week!
Audrie loves hanging out with her Grandma all day. Though the baby toys are already starting to take over the living room...!It's amazing to me how Audrie can bat at this ball for a good 15-20 minutes and seem to be having the time of her life!
In other random news... Jamie hung a new light fixture in our entry way (our friends Jim and Emily were getting rid of this light and we graciously took it off their hands). I love it!
And yet, despite the new baby and coming & going of people, the kitty still does what he does best... sleeps.