Friday, August 29, 2008

counting down

My first few weeks of teaching school this year have been the best I've had in a really long time. I've got an awesome group of students and so far I'm having a blast! Of course, that doesn't mean that I'm not counting down to our next holiday break. Usually when school starts that's when Jamie and I start thinking about what we are going to do for spring break. This year we've decided we deserve a redo in New York City since last time we were there Broadway was on strike (and I was 7 months pregnant)... but somehow it was still one of the best vacations we've been on. So anyways, we're scouting out airline tickets now for another trip to NYC for spring break to visit our dear friends, Jason and Sam. It's always nice to have a vacation planned (sort of like a carrot dangling) to help the long days at work seem shorter. But if my school year goes as wonderfully as these first few weeks, I've got no worries.

Although I did have to wear my glasses this past week to school because my crazy eye infection just won't go away! Since my glasses make me look so different I decided to go ahead and wear my hair straightened this week to really throw the kids off...
I honestly had one student walk in my room and ask me "where is Mrs. Cornett today?"!