Oh my. Bad mommy moment (and I'm sure my music degree fell off the wall with this incident, too). So Audrie woke up from her nap the other day and was eating a snack in her high chair. I turned on the iPod and set it to randomly play just to have some music going while I cleaned the kitchen. A little while later I noticed that Audrie is singing loudly "baaabbbyy... baby.....". I was all pleased with my little singer. But then to my horror I realized that a Britney Spears song had come on and she was singing along to "Hit Me Baby One More Time". Every time it got to chorus "Oh, Baby, Baby" Audrie would start singing along. NOOOOOO!! Not my sweet little girl. There is no way I'm writing in her baby book that the first song she sang along to was by Britney Spears!
So today just to convince myself that my daughter isn't a total heathen... I taught her to sing a new song about the Bible...
But, for real? Britney? I'm so bitter. I told Audrie we're only singing songs about Jesus from now on!