Tuesday, November 12, 2013

funny story

This weekend Audrie announced that we should go swimming. Um, ok. I've been wanting to join Fayetteville Athletic Club anyways (they have a great deal for teachers!) and I knew they had an indoor heated swimming pool. Anyways, Saturday morning the girls and I headed over there (1/2 a mile from our house- yay!) got signed up and into the pool. Had a blast.

When it was time to go I took the girls into the locker room to towel off. A woman walked in and set her caddy of shower supplies next to a shower and then went off to the other side to the restroom. I was toweling off Audrie's hair and I turned around to discover Annie standing next to the shower supplies, with a huge smile on her face, scrubbing her teeth with the woman's toothbrush!!!!!!!

I about died.

I looked around. No one in sight. I grabbed Annie (and Audrie), put the toothbrush back in the shower caddy (oh yes I did) and ran off with girls under my arms.

Oh my goodness.

Poor Annie kept asking all the way to the car "What, mommy? What did I do??".

We had to have a little chat about why that was so not ok. And Annie is so tender-hearted of course she burst into tears.

Sweet Annie.

 In hindsight, I suppose I should have found the woman and explained what happened, had Annie apologize.

Or at least I could have thrown the toothbrush in the trash on my way out! Let the poor woman think she had lost it.

But, nope. I just ran.

Mother of Year, that's me!
