(This may not mean as much to you, but just know that this is a HUGE deal for me!) I just found out that after over a year of testing, portfolios, documentation, videos, etc and going through the National Board Certification process that I am officially now a
NBPTS Teacher! This is a crazy, challenging, scrutinized process that teachers can choose to go through after they have been teaching for more than 3 years. I started last August and completed in June of this year. It was the toughest thing I've ever done (besides my niece's birth) and I was so excited to get the "CONGRATULATIONS" message! The pass rate for this is about %40 of teachers pass the first time and the benefits are: being recognized as an outstanding teacher, fame and
prestige (ha), being able to teach anywhere in the US without red tape or state certification, and... a huge yearly stipend from the state department and my school district. I still am in a little shock that I passed, but I am praising God for His blessings!