Like most of the population right now, Jamie has a sad little addiction to
Guitar Hero. His friend, Jim, got him hooked and that's all Jamie wanted for Christmas this year! He's been playing every chance he gets and the guys in his office are all hooked as well, so they get together and play, too.

I've been avoiding playing it myself, because I was scared of getting addicted- but I finally broke down this weekend and gave it a shot. (Lately Jamie and I haven't had much downtime for just the two of us, but Sunday afternoon we actually had some time to chill together.) My scores were pretty bad, but I blamed it on my belly getting in the way of my true rock n roll skills.

Jamie tried to coach me and tell me that if I had my "game face" on I could score more points...

I tried...

It didn't help. (I guess I'll have to stick to being a groupie in the JC Fan Club for now...!)