They say time flies when you're having fun and that has definitley been true lately... I can't believe we only have 9 more weeks until my due date! (Or from Jamie's point of view- only 9
weekends left until our lives are changed forever.) So we've been trying to make each moment count and this weekend was no exception. We spent Friday and Saturday night with friends and then Sunday we drove back to our hometown of Green Forest for a beautiful baby shower thrown by Jamie's family and my best friend from high school. We were once again blessed by all the people who are so excited for us and we could barely fit all the wonderful gifts into the car!

Dawnica's mom made this precious cake and it tasted amazing, too!

There were beautiful fresh flowers and "bubbly" centerpieces on all the tables.

We had fun opening all the adorable gifts!

Dawnica's mom
made me this beautiful bag!

Jamie's mom cross-stitched us a beautiful baby quilt! (She's pretty excited to meet her first grandbaby.)

Dawnica and I have been inseparable friends since 6th grade. (She has an adorable little boy, Will, who is turning one on my due date- Feb. 5th!)

Jamie even got a little early practice changing a diaper! (From the look on Erin's face here- I think she was even impressed...!)

Thank you everyone for the amazing shower! Keep us in your prayers as we get closer to Audrie's arrival.