Jamie competed in a tennis tournament today and so Audrie and I went along to be his cheerleaders!

Audrie actually was pretty interested in watching the courts.

And she had to wear her new tennis dress of course!

Check out this smokin' hot tennis player...!

And he even does that proud tennis fist pump when he aces his opponents...

And then this evening we got cleaned up from our hot day in the sun and went to Jim and Rhonald's gradutation party (they graduated from the hospital residency program and are "real" doctor's now!). The party was at Whole Hog BBQ and they hired a live bluegrass band- so fun! As the band was getting started I took Audrie up front so she could see the instruments and watch them play. She seemed to really enjoy the music!

She's used to being surrounded by music throughout my pregnancy, so I like to think that she already has an "ear" for musical sounds.

Even though bluegrass isn't my favorite music style- this band was really good! I was very impressed with their music!

This is what little Ben thought of the music...

Cole was a happy guy in the sling with his momma.

Of course the food was amazing. I'm not sure who ate more ribs- Jim, Jamie or Rhonald... but it was all so tasty we all ate too much!

Audrie had a great time even though she was so tired from a big day.
She smiled and put on a happy face for awhile.

But then she crashed. She loves being in this sling and slept like a rock (even with lots of people and a live band playing in the room).
Poor girl has to get her sleep. But I knew how she felt... I was pretty worn out myself.

I think we'll all sleep in tomorrow...