Sunday, July 13, 2008

bad mommy?

Ok, I'm sure this is not going to get me nominated for Mother-of-the-Year... but yesterday I set Audrie up her own little movie theater. Jamie was gone to his friend Trent's house and I needed to finish sanding and staining our new rocking chair before it rained. Audrie was starting to get a little sleepy but not quite ready for a nap. So I set up her little bean bag chair that Gayla got us and we have an old laptop that I drug out. I put on a Baby Einstein video that a friend gave me. Audrie loved it! I wasn't really sure if she would actually watch it, but she did! The video she was watching was basically just sock puppets set to Mozart, but she was captivated long enough for me to finish my work. Of course I had to snap a few photos- she looked pretty cute snuggled up with her stuffed hippo. All she needed was some popcorn!