Sunday, January 04, 2009

christmas song

I've written a couple songs in my life, but not too many that I share with other people. But for Christmas I acutally sang a song I wrote for church. Here is the video from that service a few weekends ago...

On that cold night, when it all began. A tiny girl held her baby in her hands.

This is my baby. This is my son. He is the child of God. He is the Chosen One.

The wise men came from near and far, to see the baby lying 'neath the star.

The angels sang of his majesty. And all around fell to their knees. And Mary cried...

This is my baby. This is my son. He is the child of God. He is the Chosen One.

The tiny babe grew into a boy. Astounding with His wisdom and joy. In the temple courts he spoke God's law and his mother stood and watched in awe...

This is my baby. This is my son. He is the child of God. He is the Chosen One.

Ridiculed and dying in shame. This great man for our sin was slain. His mother bowed before the cross and through her tears they heard her sob...

This is my baby. This is my son. He is the child of God. He is the Chosen One.

On that cold night, when it all began. A tiny girl held her baby in her hands.

(You can actually go to our church's website to view the videos from each week's service- Temple Baptist Church.)