Saturday, January 24, 2009

if i could turn back time

It was so fun putting together Audrie's birthday invitation and seeing all these pictures next to each other. I miss the tiny little baby Audrie, but am amazed at how much more fun she is every month! Never a dull moment that's for sure.

I think we got ahold of everyone to let them know about the date change for her party, but in case you didn't hear... we had to change her party to Sunday, Feb. 1st at 2pm. Jamie actually got out a candle the other night and we tried to teach her how to blow it out... um, yeh... that's not gonna happen. She just wants to play with the fire (wonder who she gets that from??). But I'm looking forward to seeing her dive into her birthday cake! Hope you can be there for her big day, but if not, you know I might post a FEW photos... :)