And then I got to play the coolest musical instrument ever... the huge floor piano from the movie "Big". (We had a blast at FAO Schwarz!)
As we were walking back to meet Jason and Sam we saw a crowd forming, so like any good Americans we snooped it out. It was the back stage door to The Late Show with David Letterman and a few famous people were going in.
Mary Tyler Moore.
I LOVED seeing the paparazzi! Jamie said I should go stand over there with my camera and scream at the celebrities. (I really kind of wanted to...)
And Blake Lively.
I thought this picture captured what Audrie probably feels like around me sometimes...
The next day I was a big girl and rode the subway all by myself (yikes!) to meet Jason at NYU where he does vocal coaching and accompanies music students. 
I got to sit in on a lesson and it was really neat to be on the other side of the stress. It brought back memories of long hours in the practice rooms. Don't miss that!
While Jason finished up his lessons, I wandered around the music buliding and snapped random photos.

(I took this from a window in the music building.)
It was fun to see Jason "at work" and using his amazing musical gift.
Meanwhile, Jamie was hanging out with Sam at the costume design shop where she works. He took one photo.
I loved all the graffiti in the city. I thought it was sort of artistic in a way...

And I took a random photo of this man because I thought he looked very "new york". I thought I was being sly and snapping this photo as I passed him, but now I realize he was looking straight at me. Sorry Mr. New York. (His name is probably Tony or Joe, right?)
Jamie and I (well, our shoes) kicked back on the steps in Times Square... waiting for the Burrow's to get off work and come play.

The Greenwich Food Tour we went on was crazy awesome! Here is a photo of us getting ready to embark on our "three hour tour".
I realize now I didn't get photos of all the food we ate, but there was SO much more interesting stuff besides the yummy food. We learned so much about the culture and history of Greenwich Village.
I found my next job...
Here is the building where "Friends" is supposed to be located (you see this building in the opening credits).
There were bicycles everywhere in Greenwich Village. I thought they were cool looking so I took photos of a few.

My favorite stop on the tour was to this Cheese Shop. Oh my! Amazing cheese and billions of different types. I could have stayed there all day.

We had samples at a gourmet Olive Oil shop which may sound weird, but it was SO good. We actually went back there after the tour and stocked up on some unique flavors of olive oils and vinegars. So fun!
Another highlight of the trip for me was going to B&H- a camera mega store! I was thrilled!
They let you try out anything you want on your camera. Sam and I had a blast testing out different lenses that we will buy when we are millionaires.
Jamie. Not so thrilled.
The last day of our trip, we rode the bus to a local diner for a huge breakfast and mimosas. Perfect way to start a day.
Were were sad to think about our last day with Jason and Sam.
I thought my huge blue sunglasses would hide my daily tears from missing Audrie, but now I realize I just looked like a big dork in them.
But it was a great last day in New York. We stopped into this adorable French Cafe called Parigot and everyone in there was actually speaking French. I said the five words I know, but it didn't get me very far.

I liked this bright pink graffiti we saw on the way to Chinatown so I had Sam snap my America's Next Top Model photo.
Ah, Chinatown! Miles of purses, jewelry, scarves, hats, everything a girl could dream of... for $20.
I'm embarrased to tell you how many purses I bought. And I'm not posting a photo of the HUGE shopping sack full of purses that we lugged around the rest of the day! It was hilarious in a not funny kind of way.