Thursday, April 02, 2009

little william

There seems to be a trend developing that whenever I go out of town... my friends go into labor! Our friends, Kate and Dave, had their little baby boy on Wednesday last week while we were in New York. I finally got to go hold him a few days ago and he is perfect, of course!
Here are some photos I stole from their blog... I'm so happy for the new mommy!
When Mel had her baby (a month ago?!) I put photos outside her band room door for her students to see. So I did the same for Kate and the kiddos love looking at them!
Ok, I know his name is William, but I just love "Will" so much that I went ahead and dubbed him that.
And now my friend Carrie (who is due April 20th) is asking me to go out of town again so she can have her baby early, too! Maybe if she wants to pay to send me on a trip...! :)