Sunday, October 04, 2009

bringing a little joy

Saturday I took a small group of choir kiddos to sing at a nursing home in Bentonville. I thought it would be a special way to teach the kids that even doing something small like this can bring a little joy to people in need. And it made me a little emotional thinking about how in 50 years if I was in a nursing home and a group of children came to sing... how wonderful that would be for me! It was sweet to see them patting their feet to the beat and clapping along.
And I know Audrie is too young to understand serving others, but I still brought her along to start her early. (Talk about multi-tasking... here I am trying to lead the kids with the back of my head, play the piano, sing, and hold Audrie!)
I've been in a new ladies bible study for a few weeks now and the main focus is getting rid of the lies we tell ourselves. And I've discovered that one of the ways the devil tries to get into my thoughts is by convincing me I'm not valuable to God. So I've been working on allowing myself to believe that I am making a difference in lives. But it's tough to remember that when I've got a kid in the hall, waving my finger in his face, giving them the old "you're not the boss of me" speech. Ha! But I really love my job and feel pretty blessed to do what I do. (But that doesn't mean I'm not already hoping for a snow day...!)