Today was a pretty jam packed day in
Cornett-ville. We started it off with a
5K Race (I ran and Jamie and Audrie cheered). It was really fun! I wasn't too worried about my little unborn because he/she was a great running partner in the last race I ran- when I was a few weeks pregnant but didn't know it yet. And since I've still be keeping up (sort of) with my regular exercise- I knew this little baby was up for a 5k this morning. This was the first race that Audrie got to be a cheerleader for me and it was SO neat to come around the corner to the finish line and see her up on Jamie's shoulders... she saw me running and waved and smiled all happy to see mommy... so fun!

And they had lots of bouncy jumpy things for the kids to play on so Audrie had a blast while I was running. Jamie took a picture of her here bouncing away.

After lunch Jamie went to play tennis and I took Audrie to a birthday party we'd been invited to at The Little Gym in Rogers (this place is super cool for kids of any age and I really think we might have her next
bday party there). Anyways, Audrie had the time of her life... running and jumping and being all gymnastic like. And this was during her normal nap time so I was pretty impressed with her energy.

Audrie also got to learn a
valuable lesson today. Waiting her turn in line. Pretty tough lesson for a 22 month old. She tried to throw a few fits and cut in front of everyone, but after a few times of me dragging her back in line and making her wait- she actually figured out pretty quick that the only way she was going to get what she wanted was to wait her turn. Nice!

BUT THEN... tonight was the BIGGIE. We converted her crib to a toddler bed! Jamie and I were a little excited and nervous how this was going to go down, but we thought it was time to give it a try. (And hoped it wasn't like the "ditch the pacifier" drama this summer- when we gave in after about 48 hours.)

But we made a big deal about it and talked it up excitedly about her being in a Big Girl Bed now and we let her help take it apart.

And she seemed to like her new set up... still jumps just as good! :)

She climbed in and out of it for quite a while. Checking it all out.

After such a busy day we were hoping she would just crash and go right to sleep! (A quick lap around the house with daddy before bedtime here...)

Then we put her in bed, gave her a pacifier and said Good Night. AND SHE WENT TO SLEEP! I honestly kept waiting for her to walk out into the living room... thought maybe she was just
patiently plotting until we went to bed. But she just zonked like normal.

Not really sure what's she going to do when she wakes up in the morning. Hopefully make me some breakfast in bed and start some laundry. :)