Wednesday, November 18, 2009

juice and cleanliness

Just a couple random stories about little miss Audrie...

So the other day she hurt her toe (ok it was actually my fault but I'm going to leave that guilty part out) and her big toe was bleeding pretty bad. But I guess Audrie has never really bled before or seen blood- because she kept pointing to the blood dripping off her toe and saying "juice... juice". I tried to explain to the little vampire that even though it was red and runny- it was NOT juice. (Though the girl is pretty fond of V8 Splash so maybe she drinks so much of it- it IS running out of her toes..??) And she's starting to get really particular about keeping her face and hands clean. Especially when she's eating now, she likes to have a napkin next to her to wipe her little fingers and mouth. And the other day I got her finger paints out (which she loves to do) and I started her smearing the paint like usual, but she was so preoccupied with wanting to wipe her dirty hands off- that I finally gave her a paint brush and she was happy after that. I can just see her on the first day of preschool when all the other kids dive into the art project and she's all... "excuse me, I'm going to need a smock and clean set of paint brushes".

Anyways, Audrie keeps us laughing that's for sure. We're always looking forward to what funny little thing she's going to start doing next.