Thursday, April 15, 2010

little miss thang

Oh Audrie. What to say about this little girl lately? Every single day she is on a mission. She packs her purse with at least three toy cell phones every morning, plus a few necessary items such as a tiara and a mardi gras bead necklace. She kisses us goodbye, tells us to have a good day and OFF SHE GOES. (To her bedroom or living room or somewhere to start her daily mission.) What her exact agenda is each day... is beyond me, but she is always on the go and working on something important. And she is usually singing the entire time. And, heaven forbid, if something or someone gets in her way. Ok, wait, am I still describing Audrie...?? This little girl is way too much like her mother. (It makes it really tough to discipline her for behaving just like me.) So she LOOKS like her daddy and ACTS like her mother! :)
I think most of you know that Audrie stays with Jamie's mom during the day. I try not to rub it in your face to often how lucky we are by having Donna come to our house to love on Audrie all day, and do dishes, and laundry and... yeh, I'll stop there. We are so blessed to have her. (And maybe Audrie is getting a little too spoiled by her grandma but I'm sure having two grandbabies soon will help with that!). Although the other day Audrie did lock Donna out of the house! It's a long story but basically Donna was out on the back porch for a moment and Audrie closed the door and locked it (ok she did it on accident but I still think it's pretty funny). Jamie had to drive home from work (he works 4 minutes down the road) to come unlock the door with his house key. By the time he got there Audrie had figured out how to unlock the door and let Donna in, but I can just imagine for a moment Audrie was like... "I'm going to get a huge pile of cookies and sit right here and eat them ALL! Mwah ha ha!".

I can't wait to see how Audrie reacts to a little sister! I'm already praying that we will raise these girls to truly love each other despite the hair pulling and clothes sharing. Oh, what an adventure this will be! Never a dull moment. :)