Audrie and I went to the
Springdale Aquatic Center last week and had such a blast. (Thanks to my mom for keeping Annie so Audrie and I could go play for a few hours.) I wasn't sure how it would go since Audrie is not a big fan of getting her face wet. But she actually loved it and jumped right in with no hesitation. I was starting to think I was sad I didn't have a camera with me and all of a sudden my next door neighbor, Gina, showed up and she had her camera. So, thank you, Gina, for these photos!

They had a toddler area for ages 4 and under. We stayed there a little while but then Audrie wanted to go play in the bigger kid area. It actually wasn't too crowded. Although I did find myself wondering exactly how much pee was in those pools.

Audrie really loved the water slide and I was proud of her for not being too scared to go down it.

Her head went under the water a few times at the bottom of the slide but she still loved it. I couldn't believe it (did I mention she really hates getting her face wet??).

It was such a great few couple of hours with nothing to do but play with Audrie in the sun and water.

I definitely hope we get to go back every week. So fun!
(PS- the Springdale aquatic center is open every day from noon to 6:45pm except Sunday they open at 1pm and it's $2 for 4 and under and $4 for everyone else.)