Thursday, June 24, 2010

random camera photos

So I love taking photos with my phone. Obviously because I just love taking photos. But I'm also addicted to my phone so it's usually nearby me at all times. Though I have to admit that sometimes when I'm driving down the highway I have strong urges to chunk my phone as far out the window as I can and see what kind of overwhelming relief I feel. I mean do you even remember that time in life when we went ALL day without a phone and came home in the evening and checked our answering machine?!

A couple months ago Jamie and I decided to go a whole week without being on our iPhones (except to answer calls)- no texting, no email, no facebook, no twitter, etc. I think we lasted about 6 hours. Sad. Sad. Sad! Anyways, I do have some fun camera apps that I love messing around with. All these photos I took with different apps and didn't edit them- just downloaded them from my phone as is.

(Nothing says summer like swimming butt naked in a plastic kiddie pool...!)

More of Jamie's beautiful gladiolas...

Check out that amazing double chin. (You could hide so many things in there!)

My sweet girls cuddling in bed with me in the morning.

And if you needed more proof how cool these apps are- this photo of me is right after I rolled outta bed with no makeup and my glasses on. That is one magic camera! :)
For you iPhone junkies- the camera apps I use are: