Tuesday, April 26, 2011

i love u more

I know I totally shouldn't jinx myself by admitting this, but Audrie turning three has been really great for me. I'm absolutely loving this age for her! She's just so talkative and shares real feelings and thoughts that I just adore hearing about. Of course, she still has her not so fun moments, but I'm telling you- three is soooo much better.

Here she is putting on her back pack for preschool... looking so grown up.

And we made some cookies the other night (after she 'helped' me fix her hair in a side ponytail).
 Audrie loves cooking! (Gotta love her technique for cookie decorating here...)
 Waking up all bushy-eyed from a nap...
 But still managing a big ole smile.
 Couple quick stories:

The other day I took her with me to the Dollar General store and as we were leaving I told her she could pick out one toy to buy. She kind of shrugged her shoulders and said... "nah, I have toys at home".  Helloooo??! That's awesome! Hope that attitude lasts a few more years!

Tonight we were snuggled in bed together watching Cinderella and she said "I love you, mommy" (she really is super sweet about telling us how she really loves us). So I responded "I love you, more". And she thought about it for a moment and said "no... I love you for ten seconds mommy and that is more!". Melt my heart.

I know this all sounds super corny, but I never imagined being a mom would be so crazy wonderful. Don't get me wrong- we have our share of tantrums and time outs. But my goodness, the good times are pretty amazing!

 I love you, Audrie baby!