Friday, March 30, 2012

house full of girls

 Last week it was SO nice to have my mom come visit with my two 17 year old nieces, Emily and Sydney. They had a jam packed agenda and I had a blast spending time with them!

And my mom is probably going to kill me for posting this morning pic of her, but my favorite part about having her here was that each morning Audrie and Annie would crawl in bed with her (my mom slept on the air mattress in the living room). It was nice to get a few more minutes of sleep while my mom kept the girls distracted! :)
 It was Emily and Sydney's first visit to NYC and being the 17 year old fashionistas that they are- we got to do A LOT of shopping. Whoo hoo!! These two girls are so precious to me. I have loved watching them grow up and can't wait to see where life takes them. So talented, smart, and pretty!
 I got to go with them to see Wicked! I had been looking forward to it for months and once again it did not disappoint. Such an inspiring show!
 I didn't do great about taking photos while they were here, but Emily and Sydney posted tons of great pics on their Facebook and Instagram so I'll have to steal their photos.

I was sad to see my mom go, but I'll manage since I call her pretty much every day on my walk home from school (I always call to see if she has time for my daily "therapy" session).

I had mentioned to someone that I was homesick and they asked what it was that I am homesick for. I had to fight back the tears, because the first image that popped in my head was me laying on my mom's couch, with my head in her lap, and her telling me everything is going to be ok.

It's kind of funny to me that, even at 33, I'm like Audrie- I still need my mom to kiss my boo-boos. I hope when my girls are 33 they will still need me too!

Thank you, Mom, Sydney, and Emily, for coming to see us! Come back SOON!!!!