My sister, Mary, is a certified
doula (sort of like a midwife) and she invited my mom, Kim and I to a screening of a new documentary,
"The Business of Being Born", Friday night in Rogers. I was a little worried that I wouldn't be quite granola enough to handle it, but the movie was actually really wonderful!! I will definitely recommend that all my prego friends go see this movie (it comes out on Netflix Feb. 12th).
But (this is sad to admit) the highlight of the evening for me was a few minutes before the movie started I saw Jim and Michelle
Duggar walk in the room! (They are a family in Arkansas that have 17 children and they have a TV show on the Discovery channel all about their life.)
I love their show and was really excited to see them in real life! Mary said she had seen their show, too, so we went over to talk to them and got a picture.

It was a fun night. Mary and her little boy, Alex, had a slumber party at our house so I got watch him "test" out all our baby toys, books and stuffed animals. I was kind of hoping he would break some stuff so we could just get that out of the way now, but the worst he could do was chase the poor kitty around the house!