Jamie and I decdided to fill our freezer with dinners from
Pass Your Plate before the baby arrives. We love Pass Your Plate and have been there a few times in the past year or so. It's this great place where you pick out, on their online menu, all the yummy dinners you want to prepare and then make an appointment to assemble all the ingredients into freezer containers. They have all the food, recipes, untesils, etc ready at each station and after you make a big mess mixing everything you just leave your dirty stuff there and they come behind you and clean it all up! We went with Brandon and Erin and the boys looked pretty cute in their aprons.

Audrie helped me cook, too...

After we made our 20 meals (we weren't sure if it would fit in our freezer!) we all went next door to our favorite pizza place,
Gusano's, for dinner! I only have a little time left to "eat for two" so I'm trying to enjoy it while I can...!