Thursday, June 12, 2008

free at last, free at last

Don't you just love trying to take a picture of yourself?? Holding the camera as far out as you can and taking a million pictures until you give up and just find one where you look the least dorky... fun for hours! (Maybe that's just me.) Anyways, I FINALLY got my yearly hair chopping. I'm like a sheep and get shorn every summer. My hair grows insanely fast and so I just let it grow all year and then chop it all off at the start of summer. I had to wait until today because Kim took some family photos of us yesterday (can't wait to see them! woo-hoo!) and I wanted to keep my hair long until we got those photos done. So I tried to take a before & after photo of my hair but they kept turning out weird, so I just gave in to the dorkiness...

Here is my hair this morning...
And this afternoon...
*sigh* I feel SO much better now!