ok, I'm really not sure who got me hooked on blogging. It may have been my sister-in-law, Kim, or I think it might have actually been my friend, Dan. Either way, I definitely have done my share of spreading the addiction to others. (I have to humbly say that I've had a few people tell me that they have started a blog because of how much they enjoy ours.) Of course, there are many Dateline specials that can watch about the dangers of blogs. People stalking you, etc. But if you're scared of that you can make your blog protected by password login and only people you approve can read your site. I have several friends whose blog I have to log into and I've thought about doing that for ours soon, too. So, the latest victim of blog envy is my cutey pie of a niece, Emily. (I don't know if you noticed that I added her name to our links a few days ago.) But she is cracking me up with her blog. When I was 12 I was definitely not as tech savvy as she is! I'm not sure if her mom is going to let her keep her blog open access (I told her that it would probably be best if she made hers a login protected blog), but you have to check it out sometime. way too cute.