"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5
Thanks, everyone, for a fun night out. And congrats on "making the blog"! HA
She's a girl on the move.
Even Kyla next door helps Audrie practice her walking...
Audrie is also learning to feed herself!
Yum, rice crackers!
Ok, she sometimes gets a little carried away but it's a big accomplishment for a little girl!
I'm pretty sure she was threatening me with a karate move here if I didn't stop taking her picture... (that look in her eye is pretty convincing!).
And, ok, this is not too terribly exciting but she loves her "Jenny" Jump Up and today we captured a few seconds of her new favorite thing to do in it... spin around in circles. She just started doing this and it makes me dizzy just watching her. So if you're prone to vertigo I'd skip this video!
We've been working with Audrie this week to try and teach her to wave bye-bye. She's just about got it down... except she waves at herself! We caught a few seconds on video...