Ok. I don't know where to start on this one. Jamie is going to have to give you the full story, but the basic problem we have is that JAMIE HAS TURNED AUDRIE INTO AN IPHONE ADDICT. She already had a little addiction because he would show her photos of family and friends on his phone and try to teach her their names and she loved doing that. BUT NOW... he downloaded an app called
Zoo Box (this app has 20 photos of animals and then plays a very realistic sound with each one) and it's like
crack to Audrie. The second Jamie walks in the door from work she starts howling like a coyote (I'm not kidding) and begging for his phone. She has to have her Zoo Box fix. All the girl wants to do is sit in his lap nonstop and learn all the animal noises. And we do have several board books for her that have tons of animal photos and we sit down with her and make all the crazy noises. But no. It has to be the iPhone. It's a good thing I have so many parenting books, because I'm pretty sure there are several chapters devoted to "What to do When Your 18 Month old is Addicted to Your iPhone", right??