Saturday, August 22, 2009

alone in rome

So for some weird reason I've been kind of an emotional mess this weekend. Lots of random tears and taking it out on my lucky husband. I think it must be the stress/excitement of school starting and getting the children's choir going for the year and the fact that ABC hasn't announced who the next Bachelor is going to be yet... Anyways, I was just starting to pull myself together when my mom told me that my youngest brother, Caleb, started a blog about his upcoming study abroad in Italy. And reading it made me cry. No explanation for the tears. Maybe because I'm just so proud of his accomplishments at 19 and pray he becomes "all he can be"? Or maybe I just need to take some Midol.

Check out his blog... hopefully he'll keep it updated on his adventures in Rome so I can pretend I'm there, too!