Sunday, May 08, 2011

happy mother's day

I'm sure my mother won't think this is a compliment, but it seems to me that the older I get the more I look like my mother.(I really don't mean that in a bad way!) I've always looked so much like my dad my whole life, but lately when I see a photo of myself I tend to see more of my mother. I also think that Annie favors my mom, too. Here is a photo of my mom as a baby...

 I do love my mother so much, that is for sure! Except she set the bar too high for the kind of mother I'd like to be for my daughters. :) Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

We are also very very blessed to have Jamie's mom so involved in our life. Donna takes care of Audrie and Annie every day at our house and loves on these girls so much! They love her, too.

 One of the most heartbreaking things about our upcoming move is how much we are all going to miss Donna. She has spoiled us all rotten for the past three years and it's hard to imagine our life without her. The great thing though is how amazingly she raised Jamie to be such a wonderful man. Jamie is going to stay home with the girls for awhile in NYC- until we get settled and figure out our 'new life'. I'm SO excited that he will be spending so much time loving on his daughters. Jamie is an awesome daddy and I thank Donna for raising him that way. And of course we want Donna to come visit all the time and stay with us as much as she can stand! :) Happy Mother's Day, Donna!
 I have had a wonderful Mother's Day, too. Audrie and Annie both slept in this morning which I appreciated very much!
 I snatched the girls up for a couple quick photos after church today and I don't think Annie liked being smushed with love.
 We tried to give her some kisses to make up for it...
 Then she cheered up!
 Could Annie be any more of a super model is this next photo?? Look at those pursed lips and ruffled sleeve slipping off her shoulder... my goodness she is so pretty!
 I know I'm biased but both my daughters are just so beautiful to me!
 I don't know what I ever did in life to deserve these girls, but I am so grateful for them! I pray that I am being a good mother to them and that God shows me how to raise them to be beautiful on the inside, too.
 Jamie spoiled me with some sweet gifts and had the girls make me a card. Such a wonderful Mother's Day!
I hope all you mommies are having a special day, too!