I wish I was good at analogies. I would try to find a clever way to describe how non-stop we have been lately. I know it's been too much though because Annie has started asking me, when I pick her up from school each day, "are we going HOME?!".
Annie only asks because she is crazy addicted to her blankies on her bed. She calls them her "wockies" and sometimes Jamie and I will walk past her room and see Annie knelt next to her bed taking a "hit" from her wockies. She buries her face in them for a minute and then goes back to playing. So creepy and cute.
See... even in this picture posing with daddy, she's got her wockies! :)
Love these girls!

We got to have dinner with the Lea's this week. They have two little girls and their house is covered in pink like ours. :) Audrie and Annie love playing there!
When we ARE home one of our favorite chill-out things to do is sit in the driveway, talk to neighbors, and let the girls play (bikes, scooters, dress-up, etc). Audrie came out dressed like this and I loved her mash-up of Teenage Mutant Princess...?!
I'm pretty sure taking "selfies" over the age of 30 is pretty sad, but here is mine from this weekend before we went over to the Burrow's house for a Razorback Football watching party.
On Sunday we drove down to Drasco, Arkansas for the Cornett Family Reunion. It was great to see everyone and the girls got to ride a four-wheeler (they also played in a pile of dirt and rocks for two hours, so what more do you need in life?!).
I took the girls roller skating (their first time!) tonight and it was pretty hilarious.
I didn't get any actual pictures of them skating because I was too buried in flailing arms and tears of toddler determination (Audrie is a bit of perfectionist... not sure where she gets that from... ha). But they both did great and really had fun.
This weekend we are going camping...! I'm sure we'll have some good stories. :)