Many of you have been getting my riveting "weekly cornett cervix updates", but I wanted to let you know the latest word from our doctor. My due date is this Tuesday the 5th and my doctor said she didn't want me to go more than a week past that date. So even though it's not our ideal plan, Jamie and I decided to go ahead and schedule a date to be induced at the hospital (if it comes to that). We decided to go with a Friday morning so that any family and friends that wanted to visit us in the hospital that night or on Saturday could do so more easily. So, unless the baby comes sooner, we will finally get to see our little girl next Friday, Feb. 8th!! Most people I talk to say they don't think I will make it til next Friday (I'm dilated a little over a two, 50% effaced and have been having contractions constantly), but I had a little chat with my belly and said that if she didn't like the birthday we picked for her then she better start heading south.
It's just exciting to see the end is in sight and very soon we'll be holding our baby girl! (though lately I've been having nightly dreams that I have the baby and the doctor says... "it's a boy!")