I have a few more photos from the retreat this weekend. (Kim has
alot of amazing photos of all us girls on her camera so I can't wait to see them!) But I did snap a few, too.

So this is the 2
nd annual get-together for the girl's in my family. My mom reserved a cabin at the
Rockin' Z Resort near Harrison and we stayed Saturday and Sunday together. It really was fun to relax with no
tv, no
internet, limited phone service and just us girls talking and hanging out.

The house we stayed in was so cute all tucked away in the woods. It had a fireplace that we sat by and played board games and talked and drank cider and hot cocoa (and let my
niece Kara entertain us with her crazy imagination!).

The setting was just so gorgeous!

There was a beautiful pond right outside our door, too.

Audrie loved being in all the outdoorsy nature.

She really enjoyed playing with her cousins. And it was actually cute to see all three of them playing together (well, they let Audrie chew on whatever they were playing with... which was so sweet of them to "include" her!).

We all had to model our hats together!

Audrie even found a cute little kitty to love on.

All the girls went horseback riding. Audrie was too small to go (which I didn't hate too much).

So she and I went for a nice long walk instead since the weather and scenery was so wonderful. I had Audrie in the sling and she fell asleep. (I put my camera on a fence post, hit the self timer and walked towards the camera... I thought it turned out to be a pretty decent shot if I say so myself.)

Anyways, it was an awesome weekend with my family. Audrie and I were worn out when we got home. She was glad to be home again...! She missed her daddy.

I'm already looking forward to next year's retreat. I think we should have it in Hawaii so we can visit my sister Carolyn next year...! :)