Tuesday, August 24, 2010

audrie's pre-school

Audrie started at her preschool last week and just loves it! (I had to have a good crying spell but managed to pull myself together eventually.) Audrie was a little shy (for about 2 seconds) as we first walked in her classroom....
She was excited to hang her backpack on her on special hook with her name on it.
As soon as we went in her classroom, she started playing with all the different learning stations they have set up. Her favorite seems to be the "home & living" area with a play kitchen, baby dolls and a huge stash of dress up costumes.
I was just amazed at the adorable tiny toilets they had in the bathroom. I realize this photo gives you no spectrum of how tiny they are... but these toilet seats are like 6 inches above the floor. When Audrie saw them she said "Oh my goodness, mommy, that's a lot of pee pee!".
When I came to pick her in the afternoon I had to sneak a quick photo of her class sitting and listening to the teacher so intently.
When I walked in, she didn't see me and I got to sit and listen to them reviewing their shapes and colors. It was so sweet to hear Audrie's little voice calling out "blooo circo!".
She loves her teachers and ironically enough when I walked into the classroom the first day I realized that the teacher's aide in Audrie's room is a former choir student of mine. "Miss Logan" thinks Audrie looks like me and I said "thank you, but wait until you meet my husband...". (Everyone always changes that opinion when they see Jamie.)
So, it's going great so far! Audrie is SUPER excited each time we talk about school and even though she's only been a few times we can already see little signs of what she is learning.  She eats lunch and snacks there, takes a nice long nap, has structured lessons, art, music & playtime outside. So fun! I would love to be a fly on the wall though. I can just imagine all the things she tells those teachers and how she probably tries to boss around the other kids!
Look out, world! :)