Sunday, August 04, 2013

a fun week

Hey there! Resuming life after a vacation is always rough but we've had a good week. Lots going on around here!

Annie is still rocking her gymnastics class each week and LOVES it.

I don't know if you can see here but she's working with her teacher to do flips on the uneven bars. Annie thinks gymnastics class is the best ever!

Emily and I met up this week to take the kids bowling.

Annie was too fast for me to get a pic, but she actually beat all of us!

Never too late to do some before bedtime painting (in your underwear, of course)!

We had a play date with the Lea girls and had fun catching up with those cuties.

Swiped this pic off Candace's instagram...

We went to the Burrows for dinner and had one of those "is this really my life?" moments when our bellies were full, the kids were playing in the backyard (in their underwear..!!), we were chatting with our dear friends, and a rainbow popped up just to confirm that God is good.

I took Audrie to get school supplies for Kindergarten and almost cried in Target. She's growing up too fast!

One of my goals this school year is to get better at fixing the girl's hairstyles. I know I just have to practice but feel like I need one of those hair dolls to practice on (one  that won't scream "you're hurting me mommy"..!). Ha

I let Audrie pick any lunch box she wanted and she chose this adorable kitty one. She said to remind her of Marla while she misses her at school.

I will do a separate blog post about my school/ new job stuff but we are all getting excited around our house about school starting!

Did I tell you we have blackberry bushes next to our house? The girls love to eat them!

Audrie told me she was "doing ballet on her scooter". :)

Tonight she was riding Annie's tricycle and didn't let a little rain stop her!

Jamie and I remodeled our guest bathroom this weekend- I'll post pics soon!

I start back to work (new teacher orientation) on Thursday and Audrie has her Kindergarten screening/placement on Thursday, too. 

Ok, that's a little catch up on our week. 

Thanks for tuning in! :)