Monday, August 31, 2009
does it get any better?
So I have to mention the perfect day I had on Sunday. Not to rub it in, but just so I can go back again later and re-read it and re-live it. It was just one those days that couldn't get any better and if I had to be stuck in that movie "Groundhog Day" and redo the same day over and over again... it would be yesterday. We went to church and the sermon was very inspiring! We picked Audrie up from the nursery and she was just SO darn cute running towards us all happy "Mommy, Daddy, yay!!!". Came home and had a picnic lunch on the back porch in the insanely BEAUTIFUL weather. Then Jamie went to the movies with some guy friends and Audrie went down for her long afternoon nap. So I sort of had the house to myself... opened the windows to let the cool breeze air out the house, cranked up my favorite playlist on my iPod and I cleaned the house (which is actually something I enjoy). We had dinner again on the porch that night and then finished up the evening by taking Audrie to a little playground near our house. It was just one of those days that before I had kids I used to sort of imagine a great day as a family would be like. Almost makes me forget about how many times Audrie has pooped on me. Almost.
Pictures from our evening at the playground. (And I took these photos on phone so they're a little blurry...)

Thursday, August 27, 2009
welcome to the audrie show
Jamie and I joke about how much we love coming home from work to "The Audrie Show" every evening, but it really is so true. A few people have commented to us about how quiet Audrie seems... but honestly she talks/babbles/sings NONSTOP at home. She cracks us up and we look forward to each new "episode". Here is a little sample from her latest repertoire that we got to enjoy this evening after dinner...
I think she may be ready for Broadway! Or at least maybe we can get her a gig in the mall food court with a tip jar, right??
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
we have a winner!
Jamie competed in a tennis tournament this weekend and HE WON! Whoo hoo! (Click the image below to see his mad tennis skills up close.)
Audrie and I went along to cheer him in the finals. (I think you could watch the entire match in the reflection of my humongous sunglasses... ha!)
It was cute to see how much more Audrie actually watched Jamie this time. She really was into watching and clapping for her daddy out there hitting the ball. She even yelled out "DADDY" a few times before I had a chance to explain to her about the delicate nature of tennis audience etiquette.

Monday, August 24, 2009
our nanny is back!

Sunday, August 23, 2009
the overhead doors

Saturday, August 22, 2009
alone in rome

Check out his blog... hopefully he'll keep it updated on his adventures in Rome so I can pretend I'm there, too!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
schoolhouse rocks

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009
dinner and dancing
Our friends, Jim and Emily, came over for dinner last night (it's SO wonderful having them just a few minutes down the road now!).
Um, Ben... where's your hand??

Ben and Audrie had a great time playing outside together while we ate.
Audrie kept trying so hard to get Ben to hold her hand...

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