7 more weeks until we move to Arkansas and this is what we know so far about the next chapter of our lives...
I am SO SUPER excited to have been offered a job at the new junior high in Springdale. I will be the head choir director there (it's an 8th and 9th grade jr high). I interviewed in March and was inspired by the vision and enthusiasm of the administration at this school.
Per the norm of my life the past few years, this job will be outside of my comfort zone. I have taught older students in the children's choir, but not in public school. Also I haven't taught in the 'competitive realm' of choir contests, all region, competetions, etc. Jamie says it will be good for me though and you know I'm always up for a challenge! And, really, I can't wait to get started either- I truly do enjoy challenging myself and I LOVE teaching. I hope jr high kids will like my quirky jokes and put up with me talking about my kids all the time. I'm excited that it's a brand new building and all the staff is new (in the sense that they are all moving in from other schools). The principal seems to be an amazing man to work for. I feel God's presence in this decision!

A few other awesome aspects of this job is that Audrie will be going to Kindergarten at an elementary right next to my jr high. So she will get to ride into school with me each day and I am looking forward to getting to get her dressed, fix her hair, and spend that morning commute time with her. Also, the assistant principal (and a few other teachers in my jr high) have kindergarteners starting at this school- so Audrie will be in the same grade with them. AND since all these little kindergarteners will have moms teaching right next door- they will get walked over together after school and spend the last part of the day in our classrooms (our schools are on staggered start times so I will be finishing up my last period class when Audrie comes over). I can just picture her sitting with my sopranos, holding her sheet music, and singing along!
One of the logo ideas I put together on Photoshop. |
The jr high where I will be teaching is called Lakeside Junior High and I got to take a tour of the building (still under construction) while we were in Arkansas for Spring Break. It is an amazing school building! I could not believe all the amenities and how HUGE my TWO choir classrooms were. It can't wait to get in there and get to work this summer.
Another logo idea I created (the mascot is the Golden Eagle and the school colors are gold and garnet). |
The school started a Facebook page and they posted a sweet introduction of me on their page...
I wish I could share about Jamie's job once we move back to Arkansas, but it's not offically finalized yet, so we have to hold off sharing the good news. But we're thrilled for him (although he will MISS staying home with his girls that's for sure) and he's excited to be re-entering the business side of life.
Annie will be going to pre-school full time somewhere- we are just not sure where yet. We are on the waiting list for Kid's Studio in Rogers (she would ride with Jamie each morning on his way to work). But it really just depends on where we are living and what makes the most sense with Jamie's commute.
Ok, so the housing dilemma has been a roller coaster. We love our house in Cave Springs and more importantly we love our neighbors there. However, we have had great renters there for two years, so we decided to look around for another place to live. We've found some GREAT options that keep not working out. And then two weeks ago we found out our renters are leaving! Our realtor seems to think we can easily get new renters so we are still on the hunt for a place to live. We are struggling with deciding whether to try to find a quality house we can live for a few years or finding a cheap house we can fix up to rent out later and then we will build our dream house.
And the basic timeline is that the week of June 19-21 Jamie will fly the girls to Arkansas to stay with Grandma. Then he will fly back to NYC to help me pack and finish up the school year. My last day of school is June 26th. We will have movers come the last day in June to help us load the Uhaul. Then Jamie and I will drive the Uhaul for two days back to Arkansas. If our marriage survives that (ha!) then we will move into our TBD home in Arkansas to begin our new life.
Anyways, it's all an adventure and each step is a part of the journey so we are trying not to get too stressed out. Really the only factor that is still looming is where we will live- so we appreciate your prayers for that to work out smoothly!