Also my adorable 12 yr old niece, Emily, came this weekend to stay with us. I took Emily to Sephora where we had a blast trying on tons of makeup and painting our nails (of course we didn't buy anything- just played dress up and left... they didn't seem to mind). Saturday night Donna babysat while Jamie took me on a date. I had been craving some vino and tiramisu, so we went where every good american goes... Olive Garden. :) And then we saw the movie, "21"- it was really good! Sunday after church we took Donna to experience the restaurant, Monte Ne Inn, and we still smell like fried chicken, but it was so yummy. Sunday evening, Jamie's tennis tournament was cancelled, so he spent some quality time with Audrie and took her for a walk in his Baby Bjorn (while I went with the praise team to sing at another church). Audrie loves hanging out with her daddy and always smiles so much when he puts her in it.