I think Jamie and Audrie both had too busy of a weekend... they were wiped out!

Jamie really was quite a
rockstar this weekend. He started at the wee hours Friday morning with his bible study men's group, then breakfast with "the guys", then after work all day he went to see the new underworld movie with Jim and
Rhonald, they all came back to our house and played rock band til 4am. After a couple hours of sleep, he got up Saturday morning to hang with Audrie while I got a heavenly massage at the spa, then he played a couple hours of racquetball with Brandon. Whew. Makes me tired just typing it! I wasn't too surprised to see him crash in the living room floor... and Audrie couldn't resist a little cuddle time with her daddy...

I, however, was up to my eyeballs in
scrapbooking all weekend. I've been working on a major project all week, but the end is in sight. As much energy and creativity it drains from me, I really do love

This may be a weird thought... but I hope God has a really sweet
scrapbooking room in heaven. I will make Him one heck of a thank you card....! :)